About Me

Chathura Sarathchandra is a senior systems researcher at InterDigital Research and Innovation Labs, where he is dedicated to shaping the future of mobile connectivity. As a senior R&I researcher and engineer, his work explores 5G, 6G, and next-generation wireless systems, alongside the seamless integration of emerging technologies such as AI/ML, XR, and quantum computing. His research contributions, extensive patent portfolio, and commitment to innovation drive advancements in the field of wireless communication.
A senior member of IEEE, Chathura plays a key role in research consortia (EU, EPSRC), contributes actively to industry standards (3GPP, IETF), and has a sustained record of innovation with over 150 patents and numerous scholarly publications. His expertise spans strategic R&D management, grant proposal development, consortium coordination, and end-to-end system prototyping. His impact on global wireless ecosystems is evident through demonstrable results showcased at major industry forums, including Mobile World Congress (MWC). He has also been recognized with honors such as “Inventor of the Year” and an Honorary Visiting Fellowship.
Chathura earned a BSc in Computer Science with First-Class Honours from the University of Essex, United Kingdom. He was subsequently awarded a scholarship for a PhD at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE) at the University of Essex.
Email: chathura.sarathchandra[at]gmail.com
My Personal page at InterDigital.
Google Scholar
Patent Portfolio
Google Patents
Social Media
Research Interests
- Mobile Systems
- Distributed Systems
- Telecommunications
My professional activities can be found in this page.
Research Projects
- 6G-XR - Project's Innovation Manager, Grant Proposal Co-Author and Project Manager for InterDigital; 6G eXperimental Research infrastructure to enable next-generation XR services; (Horizon Europe Funded); 01-01-2023 - 31-12-2025.
- FLAME - Contributor; Horizon 2020 funding framework-backed project exploring advanced 5G mobile networking technology, The FLAME platform will provide the capability to cheaply broadcast content to multiple users, without any need for adopting clients and services to specific multicast protocols, significantly reducing the predicted cost increase for video delivery.
- iCIRRUS - Grant Proposal Co-Author and Research Associate and Project Manager for NCL, UEssex. (intelligent Converged network consolidating Radio and optical access aRound USer equipment). Grant amount: around €4M, 1 Jan. 2015 - 31 Dec. 2017
- UK EPSRC - Research Associate and Project Manager for NCL, UEssex; (Engineering & Physics Science Research Council) funded project NIRVANA (Intelligent, Heterogeneous Virtualised Networking Infrastructure). Grant amount: around €1M, Oct. 2014 - 30 Sep. 2017
- CLIMBER- Research Associate; (Cross-Layer Investigation and Integration of Computing and Networking Aspects of Mobile Social Networks); EU-funded FP7 Project.
- MONICA - Research Associate; (Mobile Cloud Computing: Networks, Services and Architecture), EU - funded FP7 Project.
Other Projects
- IEEE Intercloud - Founding Member and Project Manager for UEssex (2012 - 2017) ; Organized under the IEEE Standards Association Industry Connections Program, and jointly sponsored by the IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative, the IEEE Cloud Computing Standards Committee, and the IEEE Standards Association. The IEEE Cloud Computing Standards Committee is sponsoring the development of technical standards (including IEEE P2302) for cloud to cloud interoperability. The objective of the IEEE Intercloud Testbed Project is to create a global lab to prove and improve the Intercloud technology and provide a springboard for the Intercloud to become a commercial reality. -
- OpenAirInterface (OAI) : Individual and Alliance Member (UEssex) - 2012 - 2017.
- Androidx86-Openstack - SourceForge (7k+ Downloads)
- A Location-Aware Password Protection System (LAPPS) - Poster– 2013
- A windows USB minifilter driver for blocking unauthorised devices (Commercialised by Conseal Security Ltd. UK).
- An anaglyph 3D video recorder and virtual webcam device [Unix and Windows], for Minoru 3D Webcam – 2012
- Cooperative Intelligent agents that eats and explores to survive in a simulated world - Youtube - Description.
- Teleoperation Demo at MWC 2023, Barcelona, Spain
- Webinar: What Will Bring XR to Scale For 6G?
- Device Virtualization demo at MWC 2020, Spain.
- Device Virtualization work has been presented at MWC 2019, Barcelona, Spain.
- Device disintegration work has been presented at MWC 2018, Barcelona, Spain.
- (Invited) Speaking at OAI 2nd workshop, EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France. - 19.05.2016
- An article about mobile clone related work in iCIRRUS project featured on RCRWireless news - Sep, 2015
- Poster presentation, iCIRRUS: intelligent Converged network consolidating Radio and optical access aRound USer equipment, Nathan. J. Gomes, Huiling Zhu, Philippos Assimakopoulos (University of Kent & Communications Research group, United Kingdom), Anthony Magee (ADVA Optical Networking, United Kingdom), Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute & Technische Universität Berlin, Germany), Michael Parker, Chathura Sarathchandra Magurawalage (University of Essex, United Kingdom), EuCNC 2015, Paris, France, July 1, 2015.
- A blog post has been featured on Mirantis's "This week in Openstack", www.mirantis.com - March 31, 2014 – April 6, 2014
- Presented at Winemo London Meeting (at City University London) - 29.04.2014
- Visited Cluster and Grid Computing Lab.(CGCL), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China 13 - 14,08,2013
- Visited Key Laboratory of Universal Wireless Communications of Ministry of Education, BUPT, Beijing, China.
- Visited Grid Computing and Computer Security Laboratory, Jilin University, China.
- Attended Sino-Europe Joint Workshop on Future Internet technologies, Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China 22,07,2013
- Speaker, Cloud Computing Workshop, East Anglia Small Business Workshop, Stoke by Nayland Hotel. 25.04.2013
Press Releases
6G-XR Project
On work related to Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC) at InterDigital. Inc.
On my work on Device Virtualization, at InterDigital. Inc.
- InterDigital’s Chathura Sarathchandra argues the importance of making 6G experiences human-centric
- The importance of making 6G experiences human-centric - TVBEurope - 15, May, 2023
- Get Ready for a Future of Virtualized Devices - BizTech - 15, Nov, 2017
- The future is not the cloud or the fog: it is actually the SEA! - ComputerWorld - 22, Jun, 2017
- Device Virtualization - InterDigital - Nov, 2017
- On offloading device functions - telecoms - Feb, 2019
- New Paradigms for Device Virtualization - The Fast Mode - September, 2021.
Information on demonstrations done at the Mobile World Congress
- https://www.interdigital.com/videos/mwc18-5g-networks-demo
- https://www.interdigital.com/videos/alan-carlton-debates-why-5g-business-cases-depend-more-on-edge-upgrades
- https://www.interdigital.com/authors?poster=The%20InterDigital%20Communications%20Team
- https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/02/25/1741212/0/en/InterDigital-Demos-Comprehensive-Compelling-Edge-Visions-at-Mobile-World-Congress-2019.html
- https://www.interdigital.com/features/mwc-2020
iCIRRUS Project
- Dissecting the 5G RAN where flexibility and fine integration will be king - CRCWireless - 14 Sep. 2016
- Ethernet In The Fronthaul Opening Up 5G Potential - Inside 5G - 16, Apr, 2015
InterCloud Testbed Project
- What's Next For The Cloud? The Intercloud - Forbes, Oct 8, 2013
- Mission: Protocols to ease true cloud federation - GigaOM, Oct 8, 2013
- Will Multiple Clouds Evolve Into the Intercloud? - Wired, Oct 10, 2013
- IEEE launches new Intercloud Testbed project - Fierce Enterprise, Oct 14, 2013
- What's the real reason to do cloud, again? - Cloudtech, Oct 4, 2014
- CE805 - Cloud Technologies and Systems | Laboratory | Course Material Design
- CE222 - Operating Systems | Graduate Lab Assistant | 2013 - 2015
- CE151 - Introduction to Programming | Graduate Lab Assistant | 2014
- CE153 - Introduction to Database | Graduate Lab Assistant | 2014
- CE101 - Professional Development | Graduate Lab Assistant | 2014
- CE235 - Computer Security | Graduate Lab Assistant | 2013
My GoodReads profile, for book recommendations and to see what I am currently reading.
- What I read in 2024
- What I read in 2023
- What I read in 2022
- What I read in 2021
- What I read in 2020